Sleeping on the Job Funny Meme
Sleeping on the Job Funny MemeIf you ever get caught sleeping on the job………Slowlyraise your head and say “in jesus name Amen”
Sleeping on the Job Funny MemeIf you ever get caught sleeping on the job………Slowlyraise your head and say “in jesus name Amen”
Sleep On The Couch Funny MemeYou should probablysleep on the couch tonight…
She Gets A Boner Funny MemeMakes out with hot chick at the barshe gets a boner
Sharpie Makeup Funny MemeWho needs makeupwhen you have a sharpie.
Screwed Up My Diet Funny MemeI screwed up my diet for this Monday. Looks like i’llhave to wait until next Monday since diets can’t possiblestart…
Ron Ton Soop Funny MemeRats dat you rant one ron ton soop?Am on ma rayBeep! Beep! Derivery!
Ready for dinner Free Funny Meme
Portable bug vacuum with arm extension funny memeA portable bug vacuum with an extension arm!Why are we not funding this
Spiders Are Assholes funny memeSpiders are assholes…When you crawl on my ceiling, upside down,above my head, you are an asshole.
Pet Rock free funny memeHas pet rock it runs away
No Babies Free Funny Meme
Never Lie To A Furby Funny MemeYou said you’d always love me you lied
Morpheus Stuck in Traffic Funny MemeWhat if i told youyou’re not stuck in traffic; you are traffic
My mom is gonna kill mewhat a fetus thinks my mom is gonna kill me
Mom installs lock on bathroom drawer Free Funny MemeI’ll never forget the time that my mom installed this lock inone of her bathroom drawers when…