Women: Hate Hairs Funny Meme
Women: I hate my hair. No products work for me. Men after using body wash as Shampoo
Women: I hate my hair. No products work for me. Men after using body wash as Shampoo
Today I went to toilet without my phoneThere are 112 tiles in the bathroom
Rich men in other countries Vs Rich men in my country
Wrestling is stupid, guys with no pants fight for a belt! 😀
Deadpool Bike vs Batman/Captain/Wolverine Bikes
Fat Boy you’re on Wrong Planet100kg on earth is 37 kgs on MarsYou’re not fat, You’re on the wrong Planet
Movie vs Reality Funny Meme
Vin Diesel vs Joker Passion Funny MemeVin Diesel – I stole $100 million to buy awesome carsJoker – I stole billion dollars and burned themMeme…
Exercise and Diet Next Monday Funny MemeWho are we? FatWhat do we Want? To start our exercise and dietWhen do we want to start? On…
Google got Logo from Google Funny MemeI just realized Google got their logo from Google LOL
Woman Shot her Husband for stepping on wet floor Funny MemeProsecutor – A woman shot her husband because he stepped on her freshly mopped floor.Police…
Vampire High School Funny Meme